Monday, February 10, 2014


This month was really stressful in terms of college applications, and stitching time was a luxury that had to be woken up at 4:00 in the morning for. Still, I managed to get work done on a few of my WIPs. So, without further ado, here they are:
I got a start on my Sleeping Angel pattern, which is very fun to work on. I've already gone out and bought beading needles for this one, and right now, it's sort of on the backburner. I don't normally sew on linen, so this is a lot of fun

I have moved on to the half stitches in Poppy Pair, and then it's just the backstitching and French knots! Yay!

I started my Birch Tree Birds kit while I was sick with a cold, and I got a section of a tree done in about 2 days. I love this one, and I love using my new q-snap frame on it.

This is the project I am currently putting most of my effort into. I absolutely love this one so much. It is very easy to stitch, and I can take it with me everywhere I go, so I am getting a lot of work done on it at school and after school. The goal is to have this one done in the next two weeks!
That's all for this check in, but I promise I'll do plenty more stitching for next month!
See you then,
Teenage Cross Stitcher